Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

Well, this is a very hard question, in this moment I am currently very happy with my study programme, but if I had to choose one thing to change It would be a very minor aspect in one of my career subjects named "Oral and written communication for the food engineer", do not get me wrong I did really enjoy this class, all my teacher were great, the subject actually deserve his name, but the one minor thing I would change is the order of the classes. The main part off this subject in summary was made a research about something related to the career and then go and make a presentation in a school record it and then  show the video to our classmates and teachers, in order to be able to do this  we had two classes about how to record a good video, four or maybe five "Oral" classes about how to expresses ourselves in an oral presentation and the rest of the semester we develop the research. The problem with this is that the "Oral" classes were on March, but we did not have the presentation until late July, so I almost forgot all the tips we learned on the "Oral" classes. If I had to make one single change to that subject It would be to preserved an "Oral" class until the end of the semester before the presentation in the school, to practise and remember the tips.


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