Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future or Past
This topic is very funny actually, I have always dreamed about going to Greece, but going to Greece in the past would be one of my most desirable dreams, I already explained in a previuos post why I personally love about Greece and their mithology, but going there when I was on their peak off culture woul be amazing, seeing one one wonders off the old world, the colossus of rhodes, I personally think I would collapse of the impression jajaja, I dont know if I would stay there, I really want to learn a lot of history off another places, starting with Greece and the barrier language would be an issue hard to solve on my own.
Another place that seems very interesting to me is the time when Jesus was born, I personally think than all of uss are interested in knowing the truth about that right?, definitely I am no interested in beeing there more time than I should be, the climate conditions off that part of the world should be horrible, specially with no air conditionated. Finally but not less important I woul like to see my younger self and warning him about Covid-19, so He enjoyed more those beautifull years before Covid, those 3 years were horrible, that time definitely made my brain to get stuck on the past.
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